Celebrating 50 years of nordic public health research

17. okt. 2022

2022 - Fra økende forskjeller til bærekraftig samfunn


Celebrating 50 years of Nordic public health research

Furuberget 1 + 2, Scandic Hamar

At this conference, leading Nordic public health researchers will reflect on the past, present and future of Nordic public health research. The speakers will touch upon a variety of issues, such as COVID-19, migration, health surveys, register data, methods, policy, health equity, and new research agendas within the Nordic region (see the full program below).

The occasion is the 50th celebration of the Scandinavian Journal of Public Health (SJPH), a leading Nordic public health journal, owned by the Nordic public health associations. The journal has played a key role in setting the research agenda in the Nordic countries and beyond for more than five decades.

Do not miss this rare and unique opportunity to learn more about the successes and future directions of public health from the perspective of our speakers and of the SJPH. A special anniversary issue of the journal with contributions from Nordic researchers, including from our speakers, will be published and presented as part of the preconference. The issue will become available on the Scand J Public Health website two weeks before the conference: Scandinavian Journal of Public Health - All Issues (sagepub.com)

The conference will be chaired by the leader of the SJPH executive board, Camilla Ihlebæk.

You can register for the conference here

You can also follow the celebration from your own office. Gather good colleagues and attend the conference here.


09:00 Registration and mingling

10:00 Welcome and presentation of the program

Camilla Martha Ihlebæk
Professor of public health, head of department of public health science, Norwegian university of life sciences, Norway. Leader of the Scand J Public Health Executive Committee.

Part I: The Scand J Public Health

What is Nordic public health research?

Sakari Suominen
Professor of Public Health, University of Turku Finland and University of Skövde, Sweden. Present member and former chair of the Scand J Public Health Executive Committee, former Editorial member of Scand J of Soc Med.

Presentation of the SJPH anniversary issue

Terje Andreas Eikemo
Professor of Sociology, Leader of the Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research (CHAIN) at the Norwegian University for Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, E-i-C of the Scand J Public Health

Celebrating the achievements of SJPH

Charli Eriksson
Professor emeritus, guest researcher, Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden.

Fifty years of Nordic research in social medicine and public health

Peter Allebeck
Professor of Social Medicine at the Karolinska Institutet. E-i-C of the European Journal of Public Health. Former member of the Editorial Board and the Executive Committee of the Scand J Social Medicine/Public Health.

Questions from the audience to contributions of Part I

11:30 Coffee Break

11:45 Part II: Health equity

SJPH as a forum on health inequalities since 1969

Eero Lahelma
Professor Emeritus, Public Health and Medical Sociology. Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Finland.

Planning for health equity in the crossfire between science and policy

Finn Diderichsen
Professor Emeritus, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Actionable public health research

Dina Heimburg
Assistant professor, Department of Public Health and Nursing, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.

Addressing the social determinants of health at the local level

Elisabeth Fosse
Professor of Health Promotion, Department of Health Promotion and Development, University of Bergen, Norway.

Reducing ethnic inequalities in health

Signe Jervelund
Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, Department of Public Health, Section for Health Services Research, Denmark. Co-editor of the Scand J Public Health.

Questions from the audience to contributions of Part II

13:15 Lunch

14:15 Part III: New directions

A need to redefine the focus of public health

Mats Målqvist
Professor of Global Health, Swedesd - Center for Global Health and Sustainability, Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala University, Sweden. Co-editor of the Scand J Public Health.

Rainbows over the world’s public health: determinants of health models in the past, present, and future

Anna Sarkadi
Professor of Social medicine and Public Health at the dept of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden. Chair of the Swedish Association of Social Medicine and Public Health.

Developing and promoting qualitative methods in general practice research: lessons learned and strategies convened

Kirsti Malterud
Professor Emerita, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, University of Bergen, Norway.

Migration Health Research: A defining issue of our times that cannot be ignored

Bernadette Kumar
Professor at the Empower School of Health, India and Affiliated Professor at Kathmandu University, Nepal. President of the EUPHA Section of Migration and Ethnic Minority Health. Co-chair of Lancet Migration.

Questions from the audience to contributions of Part III

15:30 Coffee Break

16:30 End of pre-conference


Camilla Martha Ihlebæk (chair): professor of public health, head of department of public health science, Norwegian university of life sciences, Norway. Leader of the Scand J Public Health Executive Committee.

Sakari Suominen: Professor of Public Health, University of Turku Finland and University of Skövde, Sweden. Present member and former chair of the Scand J Public Health Executive Committee, former Editorial member of Scand J of Soc Med.

Terje Andreas Eikemo, Professor of Sociology, Leader of the Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research (CHAIN) at the Norwegian University for Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, E-i-C of the Scand J Public Health.

Charli Eriksson: Professor emeritus, guest researcher, Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden.

Peter Allebeck: Professor of Social Medicine at the Karolinska Institutet. E-i-C of the European Journal of Public Health. Former member of the Editorial Board and the Executive Committee of the Scand J Social Medicine/Public Health.

Finn Diderichsen: Professor Emeritus, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Eero Lahelma: Professor Emeritus, Public Health and Medical Sociology. Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Finland.

Dina Heimburg: Assistant professor, Department of Public Health and Nursing, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.

Mats Målqvist: Professor of Global Health, Swedesd - Center for Global Health and Sustainability, Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala University, Sweden. Co-editor of the Scand J Public Health.

Signe Jervelund: Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, Department of Public Health, Section for Health Services Research, Denmark. Co-editor of the Scand J Public Health.

Elisabeth Fosse: Professor of Health Promotion, Department of Health Promotion and Development, University of Bergen, Norway.

Anna Sarkadi: Professor of Social medicine and Public Health at the dept of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden. Chair of the Swedish Association of Social Medicine and Public Health.

Kirsti Malterud: Professor Emerita, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, University of Bergen, Norway.

Bernadette Kumar: Professor at the Empower School of Health, India and Affiliated Professor at Kathmandu University, Nepal. President of the EUPHA Section of Migration and Ethnic Minority Health. Co-chair of Lancet Migration.

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