Poster 13: Jordmødre og helsesykepleieres kliniske praksis for å sikre tilstrekkelig jodinntak i forbindelse med graviditet og ammeperiode

The study indicates lack of knowledge and poor clinical practice about iodine. Can contribute to knowledge about MWs’ and PHN’s clinical practice concerning iodine in the reproductive group.

Background: To investigate midwives’ (MWs) and public health nurses’ (PHNs) clinical practice and knowledge related to nutrition, with particular focus on iodine in northern parts of Norway. Maternal iodine status prior to and during pregnancy, and the lactating period, is crucial for brain development and growth of the foetus and infant, from conception up until the first two years of life. In Norway, studies have documented mild to moderate iodine deficiency in this group.

Methods: MWs (n = 128) and PHNs (n =154) responded to a survey regarding nutrition and iodine. Descriptive data and non-parametric tests were used to analyse data.

Results: Around half of the participants provided dietary guidance to a great extent. Practice of iodine-specific recommendations was lower, particularly regarding lactating women. Compared to other nutrients, iodine was not a priority.

Conclusions: The study indicates lack of knowledge and poor clinical practice about iodine among MWs and PHNs.


Maren Johnsen, Tonje Braaten, Guri Skeie, Hide Laholt og Solrunn Hansen


De yngre og de eldre - Seksuell helse




Uit Norges Arktiske Universitet.



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Maren Johnsen

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