Leisure time as part of the systematic public health promotion. Experiences from Modum municipality, member of the Norwegian Healthy Cities network

Equal possibilities to participate in leisure activities is a priority. A universal measure, in combination with targeted measures, was beneficial when approached cross-sectoral and coordinated.

Background: Participation and inclusion improve health and quality of life. Organised leisure activities are an arena in which municipalities can facilitate participation and inclusion. Participation in leisure activities leads to a social network, and social support and may counteract loneliness. Eighty per cent of the children in Norway have participated in an organised leisure activity. Participation is related to socioeconomic status. It is a national priority to ensure equal possibilities regarding leisure activities. The experiences from Modum are therefore useful for other municipalities.

Project: In response to the Norwegian government’s strategy: ‘Children living in poverty’, the municipality of Modum has developed solutions to ensure that ‘all children, irrespective of their parents’ finances, have the opportunity to participate regularly in at least one organised leisure activity together with others’. The solutions were designed in cooperation with the inhabitants of Modum and required a cross-sectoral approach. Children in schools and the youth council participated in all phases of the project, as well as employees of the municipality and voluntary associations. The feedback showed that there was a lack of information about all the existing lei- sure activities, and it would be beneficial to make that information available for all inhabitants. Information and support to inhabitants exposed to social exclusions, health issues and poverty were ensured.

Results: The webpage www.fritid123.no contains all the local leisure activities organised by voluntary associations, and public and private actors. The approach includes experiences with targeted recruitment to the existing leisure activities. The external evaluation showed that the project has led to increased information, availability, awareness and cross-sectoral cooperation regarding leisure activities and poverty issues. The web solution is used by other municipalities thanks to funds from Buskerud county municipality.

Lessons: The project showed how a universal measure, in combination with targeted measures, had positive effects in Modum when approached cross-sectoral and coordinated. The project was governed by the chief municipal officers for cultural, educational and health affairs. They continued to meet and systematically address other challenges regarding the wellbeing of children after the project.


Jorunn Killingstad1, Malin Maurset2


Utenforskap og inkludering




1Department manager, Healthy Life Centre, Modum municipality, 2 Project manager, Healthy Life Centre, Modum municipality



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Malin Maurset

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