Poster 33: Hvordan møter helseforskeren kravene til forskingskommunikasjon?

In this presentation we will identify and analyse existing and established research communication processes used by Norwegian health researchers, focusing on the outward-facing scholarly goals.

Background: In this presentation we will identify and analyse existing and established research communication processes used by Norwegian health researchers. We will utilize the knowledge deficiency model by Sanden and Meijman, 2008. In accordance with this we will consider research communication processes as a negotiation between scientist and the public. We will first create a conversation with the health scientist about communication strategies, using the COM-B framework for understanding behaviour, and the science conversation suggested by Trench and Bucchi 2021. This will be done through semi-structured research interviews with the health scientist about communication strategies. The aim is to capture the health researchers perceived capability, motivation, and opportunity for research output production beyond the academic audiences. We will be seeking not only inward-facing goals but also outward-facing goals in academia.
Such analysis will enable us to identify the potential gaps in knowledge of the researchers which again will make it possible for the institutions to focus on and thus enhance health researchers’ preparedness to produce diverse research outputs like contributions to both traditional, masspersonal media, and social mass media.

Method: In depth semi-structured interviews will be carried out with winners and nominees of the annual Health Faculty Dissemination Prize at UiT Arctic University of Norway. The reasoning behind this sample is that we wish to capture researchers who are conscious about their dissemination activities, which is to be expected by winners and nominees of this prize. Transcripts of interviews will be coded and analyzed to identify themes related to researchers perceived capability, motivation and opportunity for research output production beyond the academic audiences, but also research dissemination, science communication, health communication, research output production, and concepts interconnected to “knowledge translation" in general.


Bente Evjen Schøning, Charlotte Wien, Torkjel Sandanger, Sarah Rosenbaum


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UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet



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Bente Schøning

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