Consequences of screen use among children and adolescents

Screen use can have both positive and negative consequences on physical health and development in children and adolescents. We conduct and will present results of two new umbrella reviews.

Background: Children and adolescents use screens and other digital media daily, across most arenas. Screen use can have both positive and negative consequences on physical health and development, but research has this far been unable to draw firm conclusions. The Screen Use Committee commissioned the Norwegian Institute of Public Health to summarize the consequences of screen use in children and adolescents (0-19 years).

Method: We conducted two umbrella reviews. Umbrella Review 1 on consequences of screen use on physical health measured as musculoskeletal pain (back, neck, and shoulders), headaches, and eye health. Umbrella Review 2 on consequences of screen use on emotional, cognitive, and motor development. We conducted a systematic literature search (December 2023) in seven electronic databases. Two reviewers independently included and excluded systematic reviews, in accordance with pre-defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. We used machine learning features in the EPPI Reviewer tool for screening and we used AMSTAR 2 to assess the reviews’ risk of bias. The newest systematic reviews with the lowest risk of bias addressing each outcome measure will be summarized. Clinical experts in the relevant fields assist us in the process.

Preliminary results: The search identified 4048 unique references. Of these, 179 references underwent full-text screening (physical health: 29, development: 162). Twelve references addressed outcomes relevant to both umbrella reviews. For Review 1 (physical health), we included 13 systematic reviews on physical health, four on musculoskeletal pain and nine on eye health but none about headache. For Review 2 (development), we included 28 systematic reviews, 19 on emotional development, 16 on cognitive development, and three on motor development.

Conclusion: The results from these two umbrella reviews will be published during spring 2024 and used by the Screen Use Committee in their writing of an Official Norwegian Report (NOU) on screen use among children and adolescents in Norway.


Liv Giske, Gunn E Vist, Tiril C Borge, Nikita Baiju, H Lien Nguyen


Tema 7: Digitale liv – muligheter og bekymringer







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Liv Giske

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