Active and inclusive citizens. How can technology make a difference?

Sustainable local communities thrive when residents actively participate, inclusively contribute, and engage with their surroundings. Listen to municipal employees share knowledge and experience.

Participation in activities and community involvement provides networks, friendships,
meaning, security, a sense of belonging, and workplace skills. Many people can be
resources for each other, and many want to be social and contribute, given the opportunity.

In collaboration with municipalities in Norway, a digital infrastructure for activity and
participation is built and developed. Some say Friskus is the coolest activity calendar in the
world, others call it a platform for collaboration. In any case, it must become much easier and
more efficient to help. Being able to work in a structured and systematic manner and
cooperate between departments, voluntary organizations, and residents. For residents, it
must become much easier to take care of their health themselves and find relevant
information about activities and social communities. We are proud of the fact that 55 million
kroner has been distributed to children and youth for participation in leisure activities.

Over the next decades, the population's composition will change noticeably. More elderly,
fewer working-age individuals, and increased exclusion challenge the current welfare model.
The epidemiological challenges largely revolve around lifestyle diseases. This indicates a
need in the population to make lifestyle changes, take good choices, and take care of one's
health in the best possible way.

Friskus works to help prevent the consequences of demographic and epidemiological
developments from leading to "municipal collapse". Because we believe that there is much
that can be done NOW to preserve our trust-based society and maintain the welfare state
where everyone contributes according to their own conditions. The public sector needs an
advertisement-free digital network, filled with people and opportunities. Where they can
influence, motivate, and keep residents and society on the right course.


Steinar Dahlen, Jeanette Walsvik, Eva Marie Wang-Norderud, Hilde Trandokken, Randi Vermelid, Caroline Mydland, Sigrid Nedkvitne


Tema 5: Det sosiale limet: Samfunndeltakelse og fritid




Nesodden kommune, Høyanger kommune, Tønsberg kommune, Friskus sosialentrepenører,



Presenterende forfatter(e):

Sigrid Nedkvitne

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Folkehelsekonferansen 2024
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Telefon: 954 95 003


Postadresse: Postboks 6686 St. Olavs plass, 0129 Oslo